May 14, 2010

Sophie finally noticed the huge mess of suitcases on our bedroom floor. (unfortunately my room is always messy)

Sophie: "Why are all these suitcases on the floor?"

Me: "That's for our China trip"

Sophie: "You mean we're spending the night!?"


Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Oh I love it! :)


Janet said...

Too funny!! I would love it if we could just zip over there and right back to get our kids!!

Sunny said...

LOL! How cute! I'm so excited for you!

Marla (still waiting!) said...

So, are you still packing???
Please go to China already and send Kim and I our TA's!

Anonymous said...

I just stopped having a coughing "fit" after reading Sophie's response. She is the best medicine I've had these past few days!

Have a safe trip!

Sis T

Busy Mom said...

I pray for a safe trip!! Can't wait for you to get your lil man! And that Sophie is too cute!!

Laura said...

Lol Love it :)