August 28, 2006


Yes...we heard this morning we have LID. The date of Log In Date was August 11th. I am still counting our TA from DTC b/c that is just how I want to do it. No other adoption news yet..


Anonymous said...

I'm so very jelious- you have your date. This is David- Denise's Hubby. Still have not heard a thing yet but I eagerly check my e-mail daily in hope that this will end (mushroom affect) Or agency has not received any info. from CCAA in over a month so we are due info. now I hope. We are heading to PA on Monday to make plans for my daughters to stay with my mother-in-law. By fore now. Got to go.
Frinds for life
Denise and David

Anonymous said...

I'm so very jelious- you have your date. This is David- Denise's Hubby. Still have not heard a thing yet but I eagerly check my e-mail daily in hope that this will end (mushroom affect) Or agency has not received any info. from CCAA in over a month so we are due info. now I hope. We are heading to PA on Monday to make plans for my daughters to stay with my mother-in-law. By fore now. Got to go.
Frinds for life
Denise and David