January 19, 2011

More catching up..

I wanted to post some pictures of the snow we had last week. It was awesome!!  The kids had a blast. The only bummer about it was as a homeschool family we didn't get the usual "no school snow days", I know mean mom, right?     But the snow was fun and we did take one or two days off.

oops...looks like we lost one..

 On Saturday we celebrated Bert, Micah and Anthony all turning older. BUT before we celebrated, Bert glued together a cut on Gabe's head.  Yes, he is lying on the kitchen table eating pizza as Uncle Bert doctors him up...this is one tough kiddo!!

looked much worse in real life,,,this is after the "surgery" :)

Yes, we are now eating at that same table...

Then one day this week I has the privilege of hogging  I mean babysitting Kylie Grace

And then today we went ice skating with our homeschool group


Carla said...

What a FUN week...well, except that surgery being performed on the table. ;) Love the eating pizza while being doctored though.

Looks like you all had a fabulous time ice skating.

~Kimberly~ said...

Hi Tina!
What great pics! I'm so glad you and your family are enjoying each other and embracing Jax. He is absolutely adorable.
I so enjoy visiting your blog and seeing what you guys ~ Kimi

Laine said...

Tina I love catching up on your blog! I wish we had gone ice skating now! :(
Everyone is growing UP! I'm with EG...time to bring home another one? :) In God's time!

TanyaLea said...

Hello Tina~ Long time no visit, I know!! I'm terrible about everythign blogging lately. SO behind and don't know how to jump back into it again. I will just have to start somewhere I guess. I loved catching up on your family though... great photos and the kids are just growing and blossoming with each passing month! And I'm all for bringing home another one, too... all in God's perfect timing, of course!! <><
