April 20, 2007


I cant tell you how many times last year we were at the beach and I would stare out at the water and think of Sophie. Today as I saw the girls on their own holding hands and playing and chasing each other it was just so precious. Having grown up with 4 older brothers I cant tell you how many times I wanted a sister. I didnt care if she was younger or older just a sister that I could whisper and share secrets and of course fight with! When I saw the relationships of some of my dearest friends and their sisters..although sometimes it was scary(hee hee), I so wanted to experience that for myself. It seemed that no matter how mad or upset they got with each other there was still that trust that no matter what, they could count on each other...and that when it really mattered their sister would be there for them. I have been so blessed with some dear friends that I condsider as close as sisters to me. But today when I saw my girls...MY girls hand in hand. I thanked God for letting me experience sisters.


Amber said...

These are absolutely precious! Man...i can't wait to paint one of them...so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Now you have the complete family, and what a wonderful family it is! Kim H

The Ferrill's said...

As the 5th of five girls and NO brothers, I know well the value of sisters! And I'm also learning the blessing of brothers as I watch my boys grow close.
So glad you got to go to the beach!

Melody said...

Awww...your post brought tears to my eyes. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful sister. EG and Sophie will be best friends for life!

Anonymous said...



Lacie-n-Kadensmom said...

Aww they are so sweet. Reading your post made my eyes get teary for a minute =)