April 21, 2012


January -we saw two members of the Pierce clan get older.  Bert turned 45 and Micah 14.

February- Sophie lost her first tooth!!!

March- saw 2 more of us get older as Tyler turned 16 and now is driving!! BIG help to me!
 I turned 26 AGAIN...can you believe it??!!  sigh 36.

This month Bert also passed all of his HAM radio tests at ONE time. There are 3 tests you can take. Usually at separate times but my hubby studied hard and did it all @ once! The examiners were quite impressed!!

Micah and Nick were in a play put on by our homeschool group titled The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood. They did an excellent job and the play was hilarious!

April-  Sophie received the Holy Ghost in a dynamic Sunday School service! Thank you Jesus!!

 We had a low key Easter at my parents, not our usually large shin-dig at home but it was really nice.

 Just wanted to do a quick update as a whole. Jax had his nose cauterized AGAIN last Friday and that has helped with his very frequent nose bleeds. His allergy tests came back and he is allergic to...... A TON of environmental allergies. Grass, trees, weed pollen....cats and dust mites etc.  So he is on some allergy meds and we might consider the allergy shots.

 Tyler, Micah and EG had their last day of school yesterday! So summer has officially started for them. I won't finish with Jax and Sophie for another month at least.

We are going on a cruise in May..I CAN'T wait!!

16th Birthday!

Last day of Core


Anonymous said...

Great update...you have been busy!! =) Melody

Amber said...

Great update! Glad you are bringing the blog back.. =)

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Wow Tina! Alot of stuff going on at your house! Happy (belated) birthday to everyone! And great news about Sophie! All the kids look so handsome and pretty dressed up!

We are winding to an end with our homeschooling year as well. We still have a little history and literature left yet.

Lucky you....a cruise! We are taking a little trip to see friends that we were in China with...Kim & Chuck in Atlanta the end of the month. We are looking forward to that!


Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Hey Tina,

We go to the Florence, AL area. Where do you live?