February 25, 2010

Oh where, Oh where...

is my L O A, oh where, oh where could it beeeeeeee? Ok 2 months down waiting for our LOA. I was just sure it would come this week. I know better than to be "sure" about anything having to do w/ international adoption! When we started paperchasing for Jax back in July I just "knew"(ha!) we would travel no later than March. Now in all reality, hopefully, just maybe, not saying I am sure or anything but maybe before June. I pray I do not even start the month of June without Jax!!! UGH. So maybe my next post will be that I have my LOA. The thing is, after LOA all the counting starts right back over waiting for our TA (travel approval). My nerves are pretty much shot at this point. I want to eat sweets 24/7. I need benadryl to help me sleep most nights...even then I still get up between 2am and 4am to double check my email to see if just maybe there is an email from my coordinator saying our LOA is on the way!

February 22, 2010


EG and I just got home from a awesome 4 day cruise to Cozumel. We had so much fun and some great mother/daughter time. EG learned about adolescence and all the coming changes and it was quite an experience for both of us! All in all we had a blast and ate waayyyyyy too much food!
We started off the trip with EG reading a letter I wrote to her. Then for the next 4 hours as we drove we listened to James Dobson's Preparing For Adolescence. This book and/or audio series is really a must for parents whose children are about to enter adolescence, I highly recommend it! Then we spent time the rest of the trip enjoying ourselves and talking about what "we" learned.
(Notice EG's cute swim skirt? My mom and I made them..we had matching ones!! :) )
I do realize now does not seem the ideal time financially for us to take this trip, but we kind of got pushed into it a little early b/c when Jax comes home I will not be leaving him for quite some time. This is how we have done each of our children's "growing up" trips. They get to pick the location and we spend a long weekend together.

February 13, 2010


So, I was reading my bible this morning....and this just kept coming to me. So, I figured what does it hurt to share. Even though my flesh was like "ok people are really gonna think you are weird."...(what's new).

I am reading a daily devotional bible and the past couple of days have been on the crucifixion. I just don't understand how people don't see that it was ALL of God on the cross. Here is me point. My name is Tina. I am a daughter, mother, wife, aunt, cousin, sister, friend, ..I play many roles BUT I am still just ONE person with ONE name. Tina

"HE is Alpha, Omega,...... for unto us a child is born and unto us a son is given and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace,... Lamb of God, Lord, Light, burning bush, bright and morning star, my comforter, etc."
and so many other names and roles I can't list them all. "Great is the mystery of godliness GOD was manifest in the flesh". BUT he still just has ONE name. Jesus! "Hear O Israel the Lord our God is ONE LORD." (please pardon all of my paraphrasing if you want to know verse locations just send me an email or leave a comment....due to being a busy mom, I am typing this very quickly as my children are cooking breakfast with their father and I must hurry, if I don't want to spend the rest of my day cleaning the kitchen!)

Isn't that sooo awesome that the God of ALL creation died for you and me? I just can't get over it this morning and I am sooooo thankful! My heart is full! And I just wanted to share...

February 11, 2010

New Pictures of JAX!!!

I am sooo happy our agency was able to get us new pictures of our son! He looks so much older to me now. I can't tell for sure but in one of the pics I think he is missing one of his bottom teeth. I know this is so selfish of me but I hope his top front teeth don't fall out until after he is home with us. We also got an update on his size. He is 44 pounds and 44.8 inches tall (3 ft 8inches). OHH come on LOA!!!!