May 28, 2010

Great Wall

3 words. Mutuianyu Great Wall. IT WAS AWESOME!! Definitely worth the 2 hour drive of near car-sickness. The best part of the great wall was the toboggan sled down at break neck speeds. So much fun. The worst part was the stairs just to get to the wall. I seriously think I died a thousand deaths on the way up. I also wanted my whining, gasping, complaining children to die a thousand deaths on the way up! hee hee. Grandma and Sophie cheated and rode the cable car up. We still let them buy the t-shirts that said they "climbed the Great Wall" even though we know the truth. Micah and EG were the "tired" ones just for the record. Tyler was not like that at all. In fact he beat us all to the top because between his size 14 shoe and his mile long legs it wasn't as hard on him.

We also rode the cable car down and we were scared, thus some of these pics. Then after that we had a fun time bargaining for more souvenirs. SO glad we brought 2 extra suitcases!


Aaron and Erica said...

What a fun day! The bobsled thing looks like a blast!

YouYou loves looking at the pictures. She points to Sophie and says..."She born in China jus like me!".

Love and hugs,


Lifeisgoodmom said...

The cable car looks very scary! Wow that's awesome about the suits! I need to go to china to get Matt one!He would be the bomb!! I can't wait to see the guys in them! Looking forward to seeing pics of Jax - Sophie is a hoot in her pics!


~Kimberly~ said...

What a great slide show, Tina! Praying for you!

Blessings abundantly to you all!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dear Pierce Family!!

Thought you were leaving today. I have been praying for you all. So glad everyone is having a great time.

Love Marye and the rest of the McKenney Clan